Docker Cheat Sheet

Docker Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive Guide for All Your Container Needs

Docker has revolutionized the way we package, distribute, and manage applications. Whether you’re a seasoned Docker pro or just starting your containerization journey, a Docker cheat sheet can be your best friend. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with an SEO-optimized Docker cheat sheet to help you navigate the world of containers with ease.

Docker Cheat Sheet

Installation and Basics

Install Docker:

Windows: Use Docker Desktop.

macOS: Use Docker Desktop.

Linux: Follow the instructions for your distribution.

Verify Installation:     

Run docker –version to ensure Docker is properly installed.

Working with Containers

Pull an Image:

Use docker pull <image_name> to download a Docker image from Docker Hub or a container registry.

List Running Containers:

Execute docker ps to see a list of running containers.

List All Containers:     

Run docker ps -a to see all containers, including stopped ones.

Create a Container:

Use docker run -it –name <container_name> <image_name> to create a new container from an image.

Start and Stop Containers:

docker start <container_name> starts a stopped container.

docker stop <container_name> stops a running container.

Remove Containers:

To delete a container, run docker rm <container_name>.

Managing Images

List Docker Images:

Use docker images to see a list of locally available Docker images.

Remove Images:

Remove images with docker rmi <image_name>.


Create a Dockerfile for custom image builds. Use docker build -t <image_name> . to build an image from the Dockerfile.

Docker Compose

Install Docker Compose:

Use the command pip install docker-compose to install Docker Compose.

Create a Docker Compose File:

Define services, networks, and volumes in a docker-compose.yml file.

Start Services:

Use docker-compose up to start services defined in the Docker Compose file.

Stop Services:

To stop services, execute docker-compose down.

Networking and Ports

Expose Ports:

Define port mappings with -p or –publish when running containers (e.g., -p 8080:80).

Container Networking:

Containers can communicate with each other using container names as hostnames.

Docker Registry

Push Image:

Use docker push <image_name> to upload your image to a container registry like Docker Hub.

Login to a Registry:

Authenticate with a container registry using docker login.

Pull from Registry:

Download an image from a container registry with docker pull.

Advanced Commands

Attach to a Running Container:

Use docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash to access a running container’s shell.

Inspect Container Details:

Get detailed information about a container with docker inspect <container_name>.

Docker Tips

Clean Up:

Periodically run docker system prune to remove dangling images, stopped containers, and more.

Container Logs:

View container logs with docker logs <container_name>.


This Docker cheat sheet is your go-to resource for Docker-related tasks, from installation to container management and networking. Keep this guide handy as you work with Docker, and you’ll be well-equipped to handle containers efficiently. Docker’s versatility makes it an indispensable tool for modern development, and with this cheat sheet, you’ll master it in no time. Happy containerizing!

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