Product Discovery and Product Validation

Product Discovery and Product Validation: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Before launching a product to the market, it must undergo a series of processes to deeply understand what the customer wants, aiming to develop products perfectly aligned with those needs. This is where Product Discovery comes in. This method is a key piece and the initial phase of developing a solution. Therefore, having high-quality software product discovery services is crucial for companies to optimally test the products they wish to introduce to the market.

However, this is not the only step in product testing; there is also Product Validation, which deals with validating the product and aims to confirm the feasibility of a proposed solution before its full implementation.

Both concepts are complementary and equally useful. One does not eliminate the other, and if you want the launch to be exactly what is expected, it is necessary to fulfill both stages. Let’s delve a bit deeper into each one.

Product Discovery

As mentioned product discovery focuses on understanding market needs and opportunities before proposing a clear solution. This stage precedes product validation and centers on market research, user understanding, and identifying innovation opportunities.

This is not the job of a single area or team; thus, collaboration with other departments like sales, marketing, and operations is crucial. The tools commonly used in product discovery include:

Market Research

Understanding the target market, competitors, and industry trends help identify unmet needs and opportunities for new product development. This is a crucial stage of the process, so having expert professionals will ensure an accurate and safe result. Some companies, like Avalith, provide these teams.

Data Analysis and Metrics

Studying existing data, such as user behavior analysis and market databases, can provide valuable insights into user needs and areas for improvement.

User Research

Conducting interviews, surveys, and observations to understand user behavior, desires, needs, and frustrations help identify key areas for product innovation. Sometimes it’s believed that something will work because the idea is innovative, but it doesn’t align with the reality of future buyers. Talking to them will give a broader and more accurate vision of what they truly want.

Rapid Prototype Exploration

Creating quick prototypes or wireframes to evaluate and validate concepts with users and gather valuable feedback. These prototypes are used for learning and may not necessarily be the final solution.

Product Validation

This process involves conducting research, surveys, proof of concept, or initial prototypes to get customer feedback and confirm that the proposed functionality will be successful, meaning it will be used.

The most challenging part is for teams to step out of their comfort zones and start validating most of their solutions. Often, the fear of failure leads them to postpone validation. The reality is that investing in it saves work and results in a better product.

The most commonly used practices in product validation are:

Interviews and Surveys

Obtaining direct information from users through these tools allows us to understand their needs, expectations, and preferences, helping us adjust the proposed solution.

It is essential to obtain truthful information, and for that, you must explore their personal or work situation, and understand the intensity of their challenges, their interactions, and the circumstances under which they might need your solution.

Proof of Concept 

Presenting a proof of concept can help validate the concept of a potential product or functionality. This process is quick and allows for learning and acting quickly based on the insights gained.


Developing a prototype of the product can provide valuable feedback from real users and validate critical functions before committing to complex development.

The recommendation is to design prototypes with fewer functionalities than believed necessary and then allow users to interact with them. It is also important to learn about how users navigate the product if they understand the texts and functions of the buttons, and if their actions align with what you expected.

When developing a product, it is always necessary to remember that Discovery and Validation are complementary stages, both indispensable for success. Discovery aids innovation and the detection of new opportunities, while validation minimizes risks and optimizes resources. The key is balancing these processes: dedicating time to discovery to stay at the forefront and generate disruptive solutions, and validating ideas to build on a confident and secure foundation.

Think of that product as your dream. You have worked on it for a long time and want it to succeed. You may feel that its market release is delayed and that you could skip certain stages. But the truth is, at the end of the day, a product team that invests in and masters these two aspects will be capable of developing products that truly appeal to consumers, lead the market, and generate a desire to be acquired.

Also Read: Why Do You Need Customer Engagement Services?

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